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Super Dwarf Naga Fu2 / Red Fuji

Malus domestica 'Naga Fu2'

A very sweet, crisp white flesh, medium to large sized fruit with dull red over green/yellow skin. Highly productive. Matures: Approx. mid April - early May. Pollinators: Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Pinkabelle® (PBR), Leprechaun™ (PBR), Lady Williams, Pink Lady and Sundowner. Growing Regions: Cool Temperate, Cool and Mediterranean. Size: Approx. H: 1.8m W: 1.5m



Grown Exclusively under license for PlantNet® Super Dwarf Apples™ and Backyard Beauties™ Range




NOTE: This product is available to Garden Centre customers only. All sales subject to Olea Nurseries' standard Terms and Conditions.



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